The symptoms that characterize irritable bowel syndrome vary from one individual to another. Some people suffer from symptoms such as diarrhea, whereas some others experience constipation. As a result, a single vitamin can have different effects on irritable bowel syndrome. The chemical reactions caused by vitamins in the stomach are either harmful or beneficial for a person with IBS. Following are some of the usual effects of different vitamins on irritable bowel syndrome:
1) Vitamin C: Vitamin C, otherwise called ascorbic acid, creates a laxative effect in people with IBS. People with irritable bowel syndrome ought to be cautious about taking vitamin C as it induces diarrhea on reaching the stomach. Those who already have diarrhea should keep an eye on the intake of this vitamin very closely.
Administering of Vitamin C for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome can result in bloating and gas trouble. This happens due to the reaction between the acid in the vitamin and the alkaline atmosphere of the tract of the lower intestine. This reaction can be observed by adding two drops of mentos into a glass with diet coke.
2) Calcium – Calcium creates either a constipating or a laxative effect in a person suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, on the basis of the type. Those suffering from the syndrome should find out which type would suit them.
a) Calcium carbonate – As calcium carbonate includes no magnesium, it relieves the symptoms of diarrhea. Calcium carbonate seems to be the best for IBS-D, irritable bowel syndrome prone to diarrhea.
b) Calcium citrate – Since calcium citrate does not include magnesium, it can trigger diarrhea. Calcium citrate is most suitable for those who are affected with IBS-C, irritable bowel syndrome prone to constipation.
A major piece of advice for those taking calcium-containing vitamins for the syndrome is that the maximum amount of the vitamin kept should be 500 mg. This is to avoid the triggering of the symptoms of the syndrome. Another good idea is to take these vitamins along with vitamin D since it can help the proper absorption of nutrients.
3) Iron – Having these vitamins for irritable bowel syndrome can create constipation. Those taking these vitamins for IBS may also experience stomach upsets. It is widely known that Iron also interferes with calcium absorption.
Tips for administering vitamins in irritable bowel syndrome:
1) Taking up the vitamins in balanced doses – While taking supplements, you have to be sure that these supplements bear the vitamins in the right amounts that you need. It is crucial to note that a particular supplement should not contain a vitamin in mega dose since it is liable to trigger symptoms of the syndrome.
2) Taking your vitamins along with food – You have to avoid taking the vitamins on an empty stomach. This could aggravate the discomfort due to the chemical reactions induced by the vitamins. This is specifically true for acidic vitamins such as vitamin C.
3) Referring a pharmacist – It is to be noted that there occurs different effects for vitamins in irritable bowel syndrome. In case you are not sure about the particular vitamin supplement to be taken, you should consult a pharmacist to find out the vitamin which is mildest for irritable bowel syndrome.
4) Taking up different vitamins separately – Vitamins for the syndrome can also react among them or between them in several ways. In order to attain the best absorption of different nutrients, you must try administering the vitamins one at a particular time.